Nadine Sykora is a popular Travel Vlogger, Host, Blogger and Comedy YouTuber. She hails from across the pond but currently resides in London, United Kingdom. She travels around the world capturing interesting videos of the places she visits, people she meets and her exciting adventures and other experiences. Nadine has extensively travelled in Europe, Asia, Americas and the Oceania and her blog is a treasure trove of well crafted destination videos and interesting blogs with travel tips and more. In fact, she has visited over 37 countries so far and has lived in 4 where she captured her experiences in more than 500 beautifully designed videos. New Zealand, Switzerland, Prague, Thailand and the Galápagos Islands are her favourite travel destinations but she insists it’s tough to choose!
Nadine’s exciting and informational videos on You Tube as well as the blogs have thousands of likes, subscribers and followers, and pack in immense travel knowledge, ideas and tips about the destinations she has been to; her videos alone have received over 33 million views! These continue to inspire her readers and viewers to holiday and explore the world.
The multi-talented travel vlogger and writer Nadine Skyora, or HeyNadine as many know her, has worked on videos for Fox, Tourism New Zealand, CBC, Sanyo, ION Network, etc. Apart from travel, she is a comedy YouTuber!
She has been honoured with several media awards for her videos with ‘2011 Digi Award for Digital Media Maven’ being the most notable one. She has also spoken on panels at the Canadian Media Producers Association’s annual conference.
Travel Trolley brings you this young and vibrant vlogger who has an irrepressible urge to travel, record videos and share her travel experiences with her fans.
For more details visit her website
This profile of Nadine Sykora is a part of Travel Trolley's ongoing 'Best of the Travel Bloggers' series. We are interviewing and showcasing popular travel bloggers who encourage and inspire people to travel. Check out all the bloggers we have interviewed and showcased and learn about their interesting experiences, adventures, travel stories as well as useful holiday tips.